A couple months ago a new girl, Ivy, started coming to Girls’ Night. It’s not uncommon to have a new face at Girls’ Night, but this girl also started coming to the weekly fellowship that meets in my apartment. After hanging out with us two times a week for a month, Ivy shared about a difficult situation she was facing. One of her friends had recently lost her mother, and she wanted to help her in some way. Ivy’s own mother had passed away five years ago, so she really could identify with her friend.
I explained that we don’t have anything to give to help her friend, but God has (and IS) everything we need! She agreed and right then asked Jesus to come into her heart. She left our apartment with the hope that she had something to help her friend.
Later, she let me know how it went. She said her friend was really comforted by the words she could give, and she invited her friend to come hang out with us at Girls’ Night or at the Fellowship.
Ivy is boldly sharing her faith! Not only with her friends, but she has also stepped forward to give testimonies at Girls’ Night to tell the other girls about ways she’s seen God move in her life throughout the week. She prays and talks to God about so many things, even the small things like finding a taxi, and she is seeing His faithfulness to listen!
Part of her testimony we’ve heard her say is, “God really loves me! I know He really loves me! I feel Him so strongly right next to me!”
Ivy is a quality girl, a real pleasure and delight to be around! It’s crazy for us to hear about her background…she was so shy during her childhood that she stopped talking for a period of time. She had never spoken to foreigners before she met us! Ivy explained she was nervous before, but she’s not anymore!