Remember those times where you felt extra loved by God? Where He seems to go above and beyond specifically for you; in a special, unique and beautiful way?
Last week I was getting all my finances in order. I had my money and passport set aside so that I can renew my visa. I also had money set aside for the cost of my dental bills. I had it all neatly arranged in different parts of my wallet so that I would be sure to not spend it. And then, last Saturday, I took it all and threw it on my desk.
Sunday morning, while riding the bus, my wallet got stolen. Rather than loosing all my money, I only lost about $12, my bank card, and an almost empty eyeliner. I have no doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit prompted me to take out most of the money in my wallet the very night before.
Two days after my wallet was stolen, I met up with a friend that I haven’t seen in over a month (Ivy – I’ve mentioned her in previous blogs). She had no idea about me loosing my wallet. I mentioned to her what happened and how I felt God prompted me to put all my money on my desk. Then, as we sit down and eat, she pulls out a gift that she bought me last month while vacationing in another city. A brand new wallet!!!
At that time, I was hit by the love of God. I saw how He led me to remove my money the night before, and then how after my wallet was taken from me, He showed me His love and provision for me! It wasn’t a “yeah…..I know God loves me” moment; it was more than that-so deep and so personal. It was beautiful! And I love the way He used my friend, Ivy, to show me His love.
As I think about it, almost a week after everything happened, I’m still amazed by Him. And, I feel like, daily, I am more aware of the way God loves me. Often, it’s through the love of a close friend. Sometime, through a complete stranger. Or when I’m walking late at night and I look up into the stars and am hit by His glory and His love. It’s enjoying Him through the gifts He has given us. It’s unique and so much deeper than we can even begin to imagine.
So with all of that being said, I challenge you this week to be more open to God’s love. Be looking for it!