As if things counldn’t get any better last week; they did! The short-term team had a couple amazing first days working with CT, and they were looking forward to finishing strong!
I said last week that 3 came into the family. Everyone was excited in the group, and they still expected more to come in. So they split up again and hit the campuses. This day they focused on 3 of them, which turned out to be a great strategy.
I think the day went well because when I met with them on Thurdsay morning they had 2 more in the fam! Which is awesome! Once again I had the priviledge to hear the stories of how God used them in amazing ways. Let me tell you, there was a lot of energy during that meeting!
A really crucial part of short-teams coming in is the ‘student pass off’. Which includes the contacts they made, either in the family or interested in the Lord. And we set Thurdsay for the pass off day. So we had the CT’ers make sure their schedules were clear for most of the day, so we could meet them on the fly.
And it was a successful day! Each campus had CT people that met up with the short-term team and their friends. It’s been cool during this week to continue where that team left off. And it was a smooth transition!
I have always wondered how effective a short term team can be. Always wondering if sometimes they cause more ‘stirring up’ then actually being productive. Especially in our area! But I have totally been conviced from this past week, that not only are short term teams effective, but a vital part to long term ministries.