We had been walking around the new campus of the university we are focusing on, weaving in and out of tents/booths that were set up for orientation hoping to meet some English-speaking students. We stopped in a courtyard to listen to God to see where He was directing us. I noticed a girl looking at us. As I turned to approach her, it started to downpour. Her eyes caught mine through the curtain of wet hair hanging in front of them and she quickly ran over and invited us under the big umbrella of the booth she was working at. As we all huddled together to keep dry she began to talk to us…. in English. Then the guy next to her started talking to us… in even better English. And then the two guys behind him started talking too… all in English!
Soon Spring, Shellfish, Lee and Leiser (pronounced Laser) became our friends. We were able to invite the guys we are working with, Leroy and Hershey, over so they could connect with the new male friends we had just met. Zylee and I continued connecting with Spring.
Since it was getting late and we had to get going to catch the bus back, we didn’t get a chance to share the Gospel with any of them at that time.
Today Zylee and I were able to go back to the new campus and have lunch with Spring. We had so much fun with her and were thrilled with the opportunity to share with her about how much Dad loves her. She was amazed at the sacrifice of Jesus, but understanding this was an important decision, she said that she wanted to think about it some more. Will you ask Dad to speak to Spring this week as she is processing this decision?