“You know why she came to Asia? Because God told her to!”

I love the sentences that come out of Asian students’ mouths sometimes.

I started classes at a university last week! I love how busy my schedule is now. My language level ended up being in the middle of the school’s beginner level and intermediate level. They told me I could choose which classes I wanted to attend. Because I have been feeling God tell me He will accelerate my learning, I chose to go with the intermediate classes. So far, they have been challenging, but I’m learning so much! Anyway, that’s not the story I want to tell you…

While having lunch with an Asian friend, I decided to try sharing the good news. I had practiced it before, but I honestly didn’t know how well it would come across speaking in the local language. Despite interruptions and a little stumbling through words, it came out fairly well! We ended up being interrupted by a male student (I’ll call him Randy), so as Gui went to get our food, I filled Randy in on the first part of the good news. That’s where the quote came in. I had told Gui that I came to Asia because God told me to, so she thought that was so crazy that she had to share it with Randy. It made for a really easy transition into the good news! They were both very easily distracted, but we made it through, and Randy even said he wanted to go read the Bible to learn more. I would usually try to ask whether they wanted to believe, but I felt like God was saying my job was done. I do plan to meet Gui again sometime to see where she stands. This was one of the most encouraging experiences I’ve had since starting language study. Being able to do these types of ministry things is my ultimate goal, so I now know I’m one step closer!

I was also able to share with a guy named Kody. He is very close to believing in God, so please be praying for him, Gui, and Randy!

God is powerful, and he wants to use you!