Andy was weeping as he knelt on our apartment floor, surrounded by 30
brothers and sisters who had just returned from having the time of their
lives and being radically transformed by Jesus’ love. Andy poured out his
heart and shared an amazing testimony of God’s love and faithfulness toward
the poor, the broken, and the unreached of this nation. That day, a young
man in the village Andy and his team went to received Christ after telling
them, “Nobody in this village has ever heard of Jesus before!” The new brother
also ran a kilometer (twice) to find a place where there was internet so
he could download the Bible!!!

Two of the four teams had gone into local mountain villages without any
hotel rooms booked – actually, there aren’t even hotels in those places!
They were searching for people of peace (Luke 10) who would host them, feed
them, and welcome them as messengers of Good News and ambassadors of
“another country.” Well, Dad provided in miraculous ways, just as we asked
Him to. *See more highlights below: *

*Liberty’s maternal grandma, whose husband passed away last year, received
Eternal Life! This is a HUGE step for her, her family, and for our church.

**Another of our teams found possibly the first known believers among one small
people group we targeted(600-900 people). Two families
and a grandma confessed Jesus, but expressed a need to be discipled. . .
something we are thrilled about following up with!

***Another young man, a store clerk, from one of the most famous unreached
peoples in the world gave his life to the Lord!

****A granny at a senior center in that area also translated the Word
spoken by our team to the rest of the residents. Amazing!

*****Everyone who participated was touched deeply by the Holy Spirit, and came out with greater hunger and vision for the Kingdom!

Thank you so much for being part of this….*so many of the things we
lifted up specifically were accomplished!* We all have a great inheritance
among these beautiful peoples. Please ask for “*fruit that will last”* and
for wisdom as our local church follows up with these precious ones.

For the Worthy One~