As we headed back to Ellen & Michelle's dormitory after lunch, we heard a girl yell, “Hello!” I smiled and waved up at the girl poking her head out of a window. Michelle explained it was a friend in the dorm next to hers. By the time we got to the second floor, she was leaning out of her dorm room, waiting for us.
Michelle introduced us to her next-door neighbor, whom she nicknamed, “Shopping.” When Shopping found out we were meeting to talk about God, she asked if she could join us. So we grabbed an extra chair and welcomed her!
Last week we taught the girls how to share the simple Gospel with their friends. So I started by letting Ellen & Michelle explain to Shopping the plan of salvation. She listened intently as they shared with her, and then we discussed the week's Bible reading. After we answered the girls' questions, Shopping, who had been listening quietly, suddenly had a few questions of her own.
Shopping began to unleash her questions – about the Flood and the tower of Babel … “How can you say God is loving when He killed all those good people, and then confused their languages, and separated their cultures? He seems selfish!” She fired question after question at us. Despite the confrontation, I had to smile at her. She just doesn't yet know the incredible love God has for her. I could see the dark veil hanging over her mind. I told Shopping that God isn't intimidated by all her questions!
We gently answered some of her questions, and Ellen wanted to chime in with some answers too! Ellen said she used to be in the same place as Shopping, puzzled by everything and unable to believe, so she was happy to explain to her what she has learned. God has really done a work in Ellen's heart, and deepened her understanding. I was so proud of her!
Shopping softened a lot when it came time to pray for each other. She shared a request that her friends didn't even know – that her mom is really sick, fighting two types of cancer and other serious health problems. Right before we prayed, another roommate, Sabrina walked in and asked what we were doing. Sabrina asked if she could join us, and then sat right down shared some of her prayer requests!
I am excited by the revival that I see coming to that dormitory! As we meet each week to teach our new disciples about God, He is starting to draw girls who don't yet know Him to come and hear! Pray that Ellen, Michelle, and Diana would keep growing in their faith quickly and be able to teach their friends!