Several days ago our fearless leader dropped a bomb of a message, moments before he took off for the airport. He was on his way to America to take part in our group’s April training, a critical weekend in which new recruits get fired up and are given practical training on how to prepare for coming here in the fall.
The rest of us were preparing to go on a short-term prayer offensive in our new city during the same time. His message to us was about the attitude we should have during short-term trips, and he warned us about the ways the enemy will attack us to try to make us ineffective. He encouraged us to push through and say no.
This week people are feeling poor physically, others are feeling malaise, and some are struggling with purity issues more than usual. From the States, we’ve heard of crazy spiritual attack, like our fearless leader getting extremely ill, apparently at least one car accident, and other discouraging reports.
So it’s clear who the culprit is here. It’s the enemy of our souls, who will launch an attack in an attempt to derail the forward motion of the kingdom.
In the midst of these discouraging reports, I have another feeling rising up. Wait a minute, satan, I’m a child of the King, and so are my buddies, and you’re not taking us down this time! Forget it! Our King is strong, and you don’t stand a chance!
So, friends, I invite you to join hands with us and support us by praying. Ask in faith for health, energy, ability to hear from Him, divine appointments, and for the Lord of the harvest to bring his laborers to the field. And our King will come through.