Parents & Leaders
Campus Target was founded in 2006 and has sent over 200 young adults to Asia. We highly value working in teams with experienced leaders, and think hands-on training is the best way to grow and be effective in ministry. All of our team leaders speak the local language and have multiple years of ministry experience in Asia. Our teams have shared the gospel thousands of times, seen hundreds of students come to Christ, and are actively discipling many young Asian universtiy students to grow and step out in their faith.
Campus Target is a branch of Target Ministries, an organization with over 30 years of experience sharing the gospel and planting churches in Asia. We are also affiliated with Elim Fellowship, a network of almost 1,000 ministers and missionaries around the world.
Both of these organizations have provided tremendous support and direction to Campus Target’s leaders over the years and are vital to what we do.
Parents /
Releasing your young adult to pursue their dreams takes courage. You might be hesitant about sending your son or daughter to Asia with us. That’s normal!
We deeply value the important role that parents have in caring for their kids, and we want to work with you to help your son or daughter step out in their next adventure with God. We would love to connect with you personally – please contact us to talk through any questions or concerns you have!
“My daughter’s’ trip was a life-changing event…. Your organization is AWESOME… We want to thank you for all the love and support that you gave to her last year while she was gone, and the spiritual and emotional growth that you helped to make possible.”
– Vicki, mother of 2013-2014 CT alumni
Leaders /
As a leader, you have tremendous influence on those around you. We want to be the catalyst that helps your young adults use the insight you’ve deposited into them and take the next step toward having a significant impact overseas.
We would love to connect with you and your church or organization. If you’re interested in us speaking to your church, organization or young adults’ group, please contact us today to speak with our Stateside leaders.
“Campus Target is an extraordinary ministry that shapes, empowers, and challenges young people to connect to a greater purpose in God. I have had the opportunity to be a part of many aspects of Campus Target through supporting, training, and sending young adults to Asia. As a pastor who served 27 years and now as the President of Elim Fellowship, they have my fullest endorsement.”
– Chris Ball, President of Elim Fellowship