“Can I ask you something? What if five years pass and you fail to get married…would you complain to God?” Angela's eyes were glued to my face, still bewildered at my confident trust in [...]
“That was a pretty dramatic answer to prayer, “ I told my wife, Cher. Several days earlier I had been praying with the CT director about 2 important issues for the future of our work. First, do [...]
“I’m looking for the meaning of life.” I was at an English corner (a meeting where people get together and practice English), standing in a circle of 10-15 people, and one young [...]
I was exhausted, but sleep was not coming easily. The last time I had looked at the clock before finally drifting off it was almost 1:00 AM…soon I was awakened by a whining sound that made [...]
As if things counldn’t get any better last week; they did! The short-term team had a couple amazing first days working with CT, and they were looking forward to finishing strong! I said [...]
I figured out that Asian bicycles aren't made for fat Americans. So I bought my bike about two weeks ago and by the second day something had went wrong with it. I had assumed that since it is [...]
Throughout dinner, Evey and I reminisced about our friendship. Together we recalled the first time we met, the time I visited her hometown, and our favorite memories – weekly sleepovers at my [...]
“Ok, guys. We have about 5 minutes.” I gave the warning to the short-term missions team from another country who had come for the week, that we should get ready for the next thing on their [...]
It’s around 11:00pm, I’m sitting on a bench with my head in my hands, and a local peddler walks over and gives me two sticks of free squid barbeque. As he hands them to me, he says [...]
This past tuesday morning came quick. I mean real quick. Sunday and Monday flew by, and before I knew it I was sitting up in my bed trying to recall all the things to do on this special Tuesday. [...]