Remember at the end of the last email how I said I felt like we were on the edge of an explosion of activity, and that your prayers would push us over that edge? Well, you guys did a great job pushing!
The harvest party went well and was a ton of fun. It opened up with a little game of tell-your-name and a favorite early memory or something like that. The game turned into tell-your-name and an experience where you almost died as a child. Weird I know, but it was cool. Almost everyone had a story to share of how they basically should be dead, but are not for some reason or another. How evident it was that God was keeping them alive for some purpose of His!
We played games like pin the tail on the donkey, bobbing for apples, candy amount guesses, mystery boxes, and hanging donuts. It was awesome. Most of the Asians had never played any of them, and they loved it!
Also I heard of good things from the Bible run (getting Bible from church) with David. I met with Alex (he and David are roommates) and he commented on how much David was reading it. And then at the party David came with tons of questions, one being: “How come the Jews didn’t believe that Jesus was the Son of God? He did all these things!” (expect word of a new brother soon ;)). It was a really encouraging thing.
On to birthdays! Today was my birthday, and it was great! Thanks to all who sent birthday wishes, I felt truly loved and remembered by all of you! But more exciting birthday news… drum roll pleaaasse……. In the past week we have gotten SIX new family members!!!!! (aka that edge we got pushed over I was referring to at the beginning :D). 3 guys came all at once together through 2 guys on another team in G-town Saturday night, along with a girl that same night through someone else here in the city. Then Tuesday morning we got another brother who is ridiculously on fire for Jesus, wanting to do a study every morning! He has been hearing the Word and just claps his hands and says “So good, so good!” Finally, tonight, Jessica chose Jesus tonight in our apartment! Talk about the best birthday present ever! 😀
As you can imagine, I am currently doing very well. Spirits and attitudes are high here. But it’s been a bit of a ride. I have found myself often pushing back against Clive, and having some downright bad attitudes towards certain things. But, Clive has been very patient and at times I’m sure he felt like a dentist pulling teeth, but things are going better. God has been doing a lot of work in me and cleaning out His temple. I love Jesus.. I really do!
Prayer time! Honestly I don’t know what to even ask for right now. This week has been pretty crazy, with a total of 4 days+ worth of birthday stuff (it’s been a good week :P), I’ve been feeling a little disconnected from the students. I pray and trust that God has been working in my friends even though I have not been able to meet with them and talk as much as I would like. Also, my friend base is growing larger and larger, with certain friends becoming more of a priority than others. Please pray that God would point out to me/us who we should be meeting with and sharing with, because we don’t have enough time to see them all each week. As always we are asking for new and hungry friends. Praise report: we had 4 people at our Bible study last week! It’s great that we are getting more people, but we are still wanting more, and seeking strategies like when would be the best time to have our study and how to get people to realize that reading the Word is fun! Also I’d like to request prayers for me learning the local language. It has actually been going really well, but I want to learn more!
Oh I thought of another praise! Last week I was journaling and I asked God for some Christmas lights to decorate my room with. I got them as a gift for my birthday.. woo hoo!!!
I’m very blessed to have all of you back at home supporting and praying for/with me, I think it’s pretty awesome that God has us all doing this together !
Wo ai nimen (I love you all),