A few weeks ago we left on a beautiful car ride to what we thought was going to be just a recruiting trip. Going to a missions conference at Word of Life, we weren’t really sure what to expect because neither of us had been there before. There were some unexpected things that happened, and we ended up having to speak and do devotions more than we thought we would. It was tiring, but great! Aladdin and I had such a good time, and got to speak into so many young lives. We got quite a few people to apply to come with us to Asia this year, answer questions, and be real with students on what being a missionary is like and the process of it all! It was a real blessing for us that weekend!
We saw God move in some pretty amazing ways this past month! Aladdin’s mom has been completely healed through out her body, both in her heart and eyes. Another thing that we were asking God to move in was in the applications we were receiving here at Campus Target. We wanted more, specifically males. So, for the entire month of January we asked God to move in peoples hearts, and He did! We got 6 new applications, 4 of them being males! This is made possible first by God, but also by you investing in this ministry with your prayers and finances. We want you to realize that you are advancing the Kingdom with this investment and are storing up great treasures in heaven because of it!