I have so much to be thankful from this past year. God has been so good! And I am so glad I have awesome supporters like you standing behind me with your prayers and your financial support. I do my best to touch base with as many of you as I can. So in case we haven’t connected in a while (or even if we have connected recently), I want you to know I appreciate you!
Every year companies give their investors a company status report. I wanted to do something similar for all of you! You have all invested time in prayer and many of you have sacrificed financially on my behalf. So I want to tell you some of the highlights of this past year that were made possible because of your investment:
Over the course of this past year, we have connected to several new young adults’ groups, campus ministries, and missions conferences where we’ve visited to share our vision. This past July we launched our new website. I was the project manager and worked closely with our graphic designer who did a tremendous job. I also had a great support team who helped with the content. I was able to go to Asia in July and travel to two cities. I spent time with teammates sharing the Gospel, connecting with fellow workers for the first time, enjoying excellent teaching at our annual retreat, and celebrating all that God has done in the first 10 years of Campus Target. This past August, I was able to help send a team of 16 young adults to 2 cities in Asia to spread the Gospel to college students. This fall we traveled to 20 young adults’ groups, churches, and missions conferences to share about what God is doing in Asia while challenging young adults to consider joining our team. As of right now we have 12 young adults who have applied to be a part of our team this coming August.
THANK YOU for your investment in 2016!