On Thursday March 2nd at around 9 am my time (10 pm in Asia) I was sitting on my couch, praying for my former roommate Sherlock who recently began full time language study in Asia. I spoke to him not too long ago and I knew he was a little apprehensive about adjusting to the language. The Lord gave me a word for him, which I emailed to him after praying. I wanted to share that word with all of you to show you how God answers prayers.
“Sherlock, the Lord is telling you, ‘I am not asking you to do anything I have not equipped you for. When you go out on campus you may feel that you are just there to learn the language, but that campus will be a place of ministry. You will get to share the Good News in two ways. As your Asian language skills increase, you will get to share the news with Asian students you encounter on campus. Also, you will get to share the Good News with students who speak English that are there to learn Asian just like you.'”
Just over 24 hours later on March 3rd shortly before 10 am my time (11 pm in Asia) I got an email back from Sherlock:
“Bro that’s so good thanks man. I literally today was just dreaming about sharing with other foreigners here and them joining the family and being able to share that excitement with people. Good stuff man thanks so much for that!”
When we listen to the Holy Spirit, we can see God move in powerful ways! God used my simple prayers to give me a powerful word in response. And it was so timely! My friend Sherlock had just had dreams about the very same thing. God is awesome!