Hello family!

It’s been a while since my last update – times have been crazy here on the other side of the world. So far, this year has been quite a ride.

At the end of January, our entire crew spent ten days in tropical Tland for a retreat. We heard from many seasoned missionaries (affectionately known around here as “macaronis”) and got plenty of time to rest after a long first semester. Aside from clean air, green grass and plenty of American food, we had time to network with other workers from all around Asia.

Within 24 hours of our arrival back in X-Town, I and several others were on a plane again with one of our best Asian friends to celebrate the new year with his family. It was a whirlwind trip! We were gone for another 10 days in a variety of locations – everywhere from one of the largest cities in Asia to one of the smallest villages. We also got to experience our friend’s traditional wedding, which included a massive feast and blaring traditional music – all in all, the trip was quite the experience!

When we finally arrived back in X-Town, our crew began Winter Session – a two-week period to decompress, think about the future and wait for our friends to return to school.

With a new semester upon us, we’re looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. This semester will be full of sharing with new friends, enriching relationships with old one, and plenty of traveling in between.


In Him,