Hey all!
I hope you are all doing well and life is great.
Happy Spring Festival. This is the new year and the festivities are happening. All the locals seem to be happier with most of them visiting family over this time. Its kind of like our Christmas and New Year’s all in the same few weeks.
Strider and I got the chance to go to one of our friends places to celebrate with his family in another province. It was awesome to be welcomed into someone’ss home and share a meal with them.
On the train ride home a young man approached us on the train and started to talk to us. At first I was a little reluctant to talk with him because I only had about 3 hours sleep and had climbed a mountain with friends earlier that day. However I really felt I should still share with him. It was difficult trying to find a “lead in” because he always changed the subject (a common thing with those that want to practice their English). We both mentioned what we could and threw out there little bits and bobs but unfortunately he wasn’t there yet. God brought to mind the need to be ready in and out of season regardless of our physical state. They still need to hear. Their destiny is still bad without Jesus and its up to us to be a messenger.
Run the race.