All day and all night ever since we moved into this apartment, they have been constructing and laying the foundations for what will soon be an elevated lane for buses. This is not just an overpass — we’re talking probably eight miles long! We have been awakened at night and had to deal with increased traffic jams while construction lasts, but it has been impressive to watch the process unfold, step by step as they work toward an extraordinary goal.
It has got me thinking about the work we’re doing now, which is really the beginnings of a church-planting movement. In a previous blog I talked about our work being tested with fire, from 1 Cor. 3. In the previous verses, Paul talks about our work — building a building, a BODY, out of believers that is a dwelling for our Lord — and how the foundation of that building is CHRI5T. As we build on that foundation here, what love and wisdom we need to be “master builders” like Paul and the early church-planters! So often it feels out of control (and in fact, it is out of our control), and working with people is always messy. But, like Paul and all who have been called since him to this work, sufficient grace is given to us all to overcome and fulfill what He wills (v10). Praise His name as we continue on, 2000 years later, building on that same foundation!
***Please be asking that God would continue to pour out His grace on us as we put up the ground floor of His dwelling here.
***Please ask that our new small groups would be multiplying through sharing of the Good News, and that they would commit to “being the church.”
***PRAISE – We have seen around 40 accept Christ already, and equally as exciting is that 2 are second-generation (our Asian discip1es leading other Asian friendsto Him)!!! Also, 2 have been baptized and more to come!