These are the questions that our ID Arts club is concerned with. We’ve been holding it weekly now for the last month plus, and every week there are people, whether local church leaders, Americans who are passing through Asia as part of their work in 11 countries in 11 months – Keep Going, Racers!,  someone like Ivy, a college student and good friend who comes in every week practically bouncing with excitement at the chance to express herself with art, or Tree, another young Asian woman who hasn’t painted in 20 years, but recently created a beautiful watercolor!

   I want to give praise to God for all He’s doing to reveal Himself as Creator and Father of each of those who come and for speaking to us about what it means to be children created in His glorious image (imago dei — ID ). The atmosphere at our gatherings is one of worship, freedom, and mutual encouragement where we expect to encounter the Living God – and He does not disappoint!

Praise Him also for providing a place to host this event. After being on campus for a few weeks, we are not able to meet in the arts building anymore and could not find a suitable space anywhere. But last Thursday, Thomas and Levi, two Asian leaders of a local fellowship that we sometimes attend, said we could have it at their place every week if we need to! Its great for now, but I’m believing that we’ll outgrow it soon and have to expand, so please be lifting this up – whether that means renting a new place, having more meetings, or taking it to the streets!

Love in the One,
