I have seen 6 people baptized in this month! 2 new sisters! Last month we hosted our discipleship training and over 20 people came from 4 cities! 3 of them also got baptized! God has been doing a great work in Asia. Our national church is growing so fast. Recently I have been traveling with David to serve in a few cities. We went to another city where our mission is located and got to hangout with their fellowship. We also met some other awesome workers who were serving there to start a restaurant right near the campus. Just last week I took David to a Bible school for young kids ages 12-18. They have a lot of different opportunities to study English, instruments, and the Bible. We came in and taught a breakdance class and David taught them how to rap. It was so fun, he taught them how to add words on the whiteboard to a freestyle song and then each of the students came up and would rap in front of the class. Even a teacher joined in! When David would ask what words they wanted to add to the song, students would shout out words like “boldness”, “Jesus”, “Lord”! It was awesome. They basically made a fun worship/rap song.
The new semester is approaching and I want to be ready for it. I have a few things I want to mention for both prayer support and financial support. David and I will go on an intense fasting and prayer retreat for the next 2 days to seek the Lord for vision. We are leaving right after I finish this blog. Please intercede for us. This will be all day Friday, and Saturday. We have a lot things to pray for beyond vision for the movement, there has also been attack. One person on the team has some health issues and has not returned to Asia yet waiting on test results. Another team attack is the biggest I want to mention and invite you to consider financially. Every year we have a team of people who come to serve 9 months with us, they play a vital role and reaching the campus. They go, they share everyday to reach the lost. They are the major sharing force that increases the numbers in our church. We have a team from Mexico of 6 awesome people that are ready to come live here but are held back by lack of finances. They are working hard to raise the rest of support to get here and are already scheduled to come later then the original date. We need those people here.
I love you guys, time to go pray for our future movement! God is going to do great things this year!