Well, our winter session has come to close. I really was grateful for the people who took their time to invest in me. We had great
speakers who encouraged me for round 2! I have 13 weeks to make it happen! I’m excited for what God has done so far with such a
beautiful work and can’t wait to see the rest of his Glorious Plan! I’ve learned a lot being here. So I want to let you know.. The rest
of my blogs will be just a tad bit different from here on out. You are here with me. This is also your work! I believe God operates
through prayer. So I will always include both a request and a update on everything over here because you’re his saints and He
hears you.
I just want to tell you about everything over here. The students should be coming back next week! The boys are all ready here though, praise God, I see Kyle and Sunny every other day. We are growing as friends and their relationship with God is growing! Kyle has a classmate named Terry. He’s almost there. Please ask God for Terry to join the Family and to know Him. He is very close. Please ask God to help me and Dublin strategize and adjust as the students come back with new schedules.
I want you guys to share an excerpt from my Journal. It’s a poem of Jesus talking about my destiny. This is everyone’s destiny! After you read it you can put your name where mine is because He died for us all!!!
“So what’s my Destiny / Christ died on the cross to invest in me / hanging on a tree, while sweats and bleeds / can’t breathe / He screams / Let (Ben) believe…… Let (Ben) receive, my grace / my promise, my love, my seed /no longer a slave cause (you) been set free / I paid the price so (you) can live in me / I call you my son (daughter) / my friend, my servant /and if I had to die again it’s all worth it!”
Man!! He really loves us!
In His Hands