As the four of us sat there in the cozy little corner of a cozy little cafe, we were struck with the omniscience of God. His plans are so much better than our own. We were in the Du meeting our old friends and family members, and our last meeting was reserved for Chen and a more recent family member named Fan.
Fan was a friend of mine from the Du that I shared with almost every time I saw him and he was ever so interested but never wanted to actually make a commitment. However, right after we moved away, he had met another foreigner who God used to bring him into the family. Now he is sharing every single day with people on his campus, he is reading the Bible more than I do, and his passion is to go into full-time ministry after graduating. I mean, he is on FIRE for God and is definitely going to make an impact for the kingdom wherever he goes.
We were struck with God’s plan in that it took us leaving and him meeting someone else to finally make the decision to come into the family, and he is the exact type of person we want to be leading. But God taught us a lesson: None of the fruit that we see, none of the people that we lead are ours… They’re all His and He has a much better plan than we could ever think up. Our job is to do as He asks and just trust Him for the rest. I love the simplicity of that.