Today, my group had a Thanksgiving party for our Asian friends. I thought my apartment was big, but seeing it full of thirty people made me reconsider its size. What a fantastic turnout! My American friends and I did a skit to illustrate where Thanksgiving originally came from – the Pilgrims being thankful to God. I made sweet potato casserole, and Sydney made spiced apple cider and apple crisp – they were all a huge hit with our friends! Even better, though, was the time in the party when we all just mixed and talked. Some of our friends met each other for the first time, and now it seems like they are good friends! This is very encouraging, because eventually we want to help start a church on their campus. If they know each other already, I can see great fellowship between them in the future! Enrique, Sydney, Buckeye, and I all got to share a little with some of our friends about God today, too. All in all, it was a fun and productive day!
My two-week internet–chocolate-coffee fast is over now, and God’s done a lot of things in that time. I’ve started recognizing God’s voice and that He really talks to me, and I’m seeing the importance of recognizing the Holy Spirit’s power in my life. Finally, I’ve been listening for guidance about where I should be next year, and as far as I can tell right now, God wants me back at Central. I’ve started housing sign-up, and I’m just waiting now, trying to trust what He’s got in store! Thanks so much for your prayers about this!
In a week, I’ll be going to a nearby city to rest before the busy Christmas season starts. Please pray about our safety on that trip and for what God’s going to do in the next month or two. We see hunger for God in so many of our friends, and this upcoming season has unlimited potential for God’s work in their lives. We need Him to be guiding us and also opening up our friends’ eyes! Thank you so much for the prayers!
In Christ,