These past few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. With about 4 Christmas parties in the week and a half before Christmas we had our apartment decorated like party city, dressed up like santa claus 3 times, ate tons of candy and even more importantly got to share the real meaning of Christmas with hundreds of people. And that was just with the 4 other people and fellowship that I am partnered with.

Crazy things have been happening all over the city this holiday season. One of the coolest stories is actually from some of my other friends that I have living in the city. They hadn't had any friends come into the family in the first four months that they have been hear and with in a week and a half twenty five people joined the family, fifteen of which came into the family at there Christmas party. God is working in so many of our friends hearts. It is almost a surprise when you hear the stories and then you just have to remember the God that we serve and you realize again how awesome he is.

We saw it last week when we had some of our guy friends over for a Bible study. I got to talk to them about the words of God and how powerful his words are. I mean He spoke creation into being and Jesus healed and raised people out of their graves with His words. But we talked in the end about how much he wants to speak to us. After taking ten minutes of listening time we went around and said what we heard. It was awesome to hear from our friend Paul, who has been in the family only a month and a half, that God was speaking to him about turning the darkness to light. It is just so exciting to see how much the new family members are growing in God.