This week’s girls’ night was a great time! We ate spaghetti, played “Upset the Fruit Basket,” sang some worship songs, and shared the story of the paralytic man who was lowered by his friends through the roof of a house so that he may have an opportunity to be healed by Jesus.
Then everyone (the 4 other Americans, the 2 local believers, and the 10 local not-yet-believers) gathered around me and prayed for my back that had been hurt while I was playing soccer the day before. It was a powerful time!
We split up into small groups of 2-3 people, so each one could personally share about something in her own life or about something a friend’s life that needed a personal, healing touch from the Lord.
My friend Lianna and her friend Riley (whom Rock Star and I have been hanging out with on a regular basis) had come in late, right as we were about to pray for my back, and snagged them to form a small group. We chatted and talked to God about some things that needed His touch, and then I asked Riley if she wanted to be part of the family, and she said YES! I asked Lianna if she could remember what to say to God, and she led her friend through the prayer and into the family!