Happy was a guy I met at one of our Bible clubs around last November. He was very talkative and a believer, and he was really excited about the things he was doing with his fellowship on his campus near the airport.
A couple of weeks ago, he called me, but I couldn’t remember who he was. He sent me an email later, and then it clicked. Now I remembered him. He was asking me to help teach a Purpose Driven Life study that he helped to run. I wasn’t sure whether I should do it, so I took my time getting back to him. Finally I replied that I’m too busy. Then he sent me a text, asking me to meet a foreign believing teacher that he knows. I was busy that day, so I declined.
Later I checked my email again, and there he was, asking me to meet the teacher the next week. At the end of the email, he wrote, “For God’s sake, please meet with me.”
Needless to say, I had a good laugh! He meant it literally and in the right sense, but the fact that I had been putting him off made the way it sounded even funnier!
Well, it’s about time I write you all and let you know what all we’ve been doing here in Asia. We finished up more than two weeks of classes and meetings that we deemed “Winter Session.” Since that time we’ve been reconnecting with friends and making plans for simultaneously starting two new fellowships. Wow, what a task! This is it, folks! God has sent us to make followers of the Son, and the long-term plan is to start reproducing fellowships. Believe with us for the wind of His Spirit to breathe on this work He’s given us to do!
So that brings me to this coming weekend. We are getting many of our friends who are in the family together to participate in a boot camp of sorts. In one day we hope to teach them and lead them in experiencing repentance, baptizing in water, being filled with the Spirit, get a Bible-reading plan going, discussing being part of a fellowship, and more. Please lift this time up! It’s so important that each of our friends meet with God and have a sense of new life and fellowship together. (We are doing two boot camps for different groups of friends, one on Saturday and one on Sunday.)
You know, it really is all for His sake! More than that, it’s by His power. He’s given us a part to play, amen! but it’s He’s the one who does the work!