Since being back, it’s definitely been quite an adventure! I’ve been able to spend time with family, pick up a car in Wisconsin, and drive across 5 states to get back home, while visiting friends and family along the way!
As I journeyed back to New York with the car that I’ll be renting in this season, I found myself in complete awe of God! He’s so GOOD! Not only does He provide our needs and bless us, but He delights in us! He loves us and He delights in using us to see His Kingdom advance!
Since arriving home, I’ve spent time recalling all that has happened in the last 3 years that I was in Asia! 30+ new to the family, many baptized, and many stepping out in sharing radically and discipling others! GOD is MOVING!
And the best part? Asia is also changing because of you! Your support and prayers has made an impact! I’m so honored to have you on my team! Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in Asia!