“I’m not sure yet, but after I heard about this love that God has for us, I really want to believe! I really, really want to!”
I’ve been praying these last few months that authentic relationships would come about in our small groups. The culture here doesn’t always allow people to speak their mind freely, and we encounter that problem with many of our friends. Quotes like the one above don’t always happen, but they encourage me when they do. Cyan heard about God from two of our first-year workers. She’s been reading His book and thinking about whether she wants a relationship with Him for a few months now, and I know when she makes this decision, she’ll be all in. This isn’t a flippant decision to her, and I believe that’s the best place a person can be in! I’m praying that God would encounter her in such a way that she could no longer hesitate to believe.
This quote also signifies a major win for us! We’ve been trying to get small groups going on Cyan’s campus for about two months now. We’re connected to ten or more believers on this campus where busyness and studying are most students’ rulers. Schedules never seemed to work out, so we prayed. We’re finally seeing small groups start, and I’m excited to be a part of this work that God is doing!