I feel like it has been a while since I wrote, so let’s catch up on what’s been going on. Overall, things are going well. Right now, my friends are at home celebrating the New Year with their families. I just came back from a retreat, during which, we learned a lot about God’s work in Asia and as well as how the country we work in is an orphaned nation. During this retreat, I also learned how an orphan heart can affect the work that we do as well as the way that we share the Gospel. Knowing this, so how does the heart of sons and daughters return to the heart of the Father?
During this New Year, my schedule is a lot more free than usual, that means, there are few projects that I want to work on that I could not during the semester. It’s amazing how things can accumulate if I don’t stay on top of things. One of the things that I want to work on is thinking through how next semester I can be more effective in the things I do and how I can partner more with what God is doing through me in Asia.
You know how during New Year, people usually come up with resolutions that they want to work on for the next year,? Well, this year, I decided I want to read one book per week. So far, I am one book behind, but it has been a great journey. Recently, I read this book about relationships. I learned that people are complicated and things are almost never what they see,. This is one of the areas that God is continuing speaking to me.