“Oh no! Where's my wallet?”
My flight arrived at 1:30am in Singapore, and on the taxi ride from the airport to the place where I was staying I somehow managed to lose my wallet. Not a good start!
The next 2 days I got to share the vision for CT in 4 different services with people expressing excitement for being involved. I also received several offerings that gave me money to live off for the next week (a dire need after losing all my cards and cash I had with me).
The next week was a flurry of meetings with churches, pastors, business leaders, and young people interested in going with CT. It was exhilerating to see so many people excited about what God was doing and buying into the vision. I was thrilled to see all the opportunities for partnership to reach college students over the next years.
The next weekend was also packed with speaking engagements. Two were actually scheduled at the same time. So at 2pm Saturday I quickly spoke for 30 minutes to a group of potential workers for next year then, immediately hopped in a car that took me to the other side of Singapore. When I arrived at the church the worship was over and it was time for me to preach. In all the hustle, I had no time to print out my notes. So I just brought my computer up with me and set it on the podium. The podium immediately broke and my computer went crashing to the floor! I looked down to see a shattered screen!
So I closed my laptop, and thought for a quick second on my lack of notes and big computer bill coming. Then I looked up at the crowd of 400 young people and said, “Well, that was exciting.” Then I began to preach.
And the Lord came in power. Between that and the next service of the youth church, 500-600 young adults offered up their lives to missions if God calls them to go. The Holy Spirit fell in power as these young soldiers cried out to God at the altar.
Lost wallets, potential workers; broken computers, hundreds of lives committed to the Mission. Maybe it's the Good, the Bad and the Beautiful?