I’ve been missing Asia a lot lately.
I miss the food, I miss the traffic, I miss the culture and my cute apartment that I had there. But mostly, I miss my girls. As I sit here and write you, I can still picture their faces. All beautiful faces with beautiful stories that I had the privilege to be part of.
It’s so easy for me to forget what God did during my time in Asia as I sit and make budgets, write reports, counsel a long-term worker and run an event. It’s easy for Asia to feel so very far away from what I’m doing here. Everyday I’m working to see the Kingdom to come to Asia, but I can forget the joy of the sacrifice with the mundane of the everyday.
Then I receive pictures, like the ones of Serene, a girl that was close to my heart during my time in Asia. It was my hardest year in Asia, but it was incredible how close I became with my Asian friends. Because of those relationships, almost every girl I shared with became a believer. We would pray together, worship together, laugh and cry together. We lived life together in a way I hadn’t thought possible, and we saw God do incredible things that year.
Serene is now the leader of the church in G-town and she is teaching and sharing with others, and her gift of leading worship is growing. We still talk on to each other on a bi-weekly basis and it’s privilege to see what God is doing in her life.
Friends, don’t forget that God is always doing something. Even when we don’t see it. Even when we don’t know or understand why He is calling us to something different than what we expected.. HE IS DOING IT!
Asian students will come to Christ.
Churches will be built
Lives will be changed
His kingdom will be built
And we get to be part of it! What a joy that we can partner together and see lives changed! People we may never see or know, will come to Christ and together we are making it happen.