I hope you’ve enjoyed the holiday season as it comes to a close. Now it’s the slow crawl to spring. January and February are probably my least favorite months of the year. There’s no color outside, it’s cold and there are no major holidays to look forward to besides President’s Day of course. But I really enjoyed my Christmas break, so I’m ready for winter. We’ve been busy here, both with Christmas festivities and with trying to catch up with our friends during their finals.
The week before Christmas, we threw two parties for our friends. At the first party, we had 2 girls say yes to God! At the second party, we had 55 students in attendance and 5 of our friends said yes! The parties were awesome. We played some games and taught them our favorite Christmas songs. Then we got to explain to them what the lyrics mean as well as the true meaning of Christmas.
I think that we’re going to shift our ministry strategy a little bit in this new year and have more parties, having seen how effective they’ve been. We have fun, our friends have fun and our parties are awesome ministry opportunities.
Since the school year ends in early January, this is a time when most of our friends are busy studying or taking tests. We’ve been spending less time with friends and more time praying for them. If you could be prayingwith us, that would be a big help. We’re praying for our friends Owen, Allen, Jack, Ether and Ari. These are some of our good buddies who have heard the good news but haven’t made a decision yet.
Thank you guys for all your support. Let me know if you’d like to hear some more information or if you have concerns or prayer requests, let me know.