Like players who'd been in an intense game too long, the whole team dragged our weary bodies to “the bench” for our retreat in a nearby country. Admittedly, I felt pretty weak – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And I found out that nearly everyone felt the same.
Our director started off our very first meeting with a call to those who were feeling weak. He told stories of three men in the Bible who had experienced tremendous victory. Men like Elijah, Samson, and Jonah. Right after amazing success, rather than feeling on top of the world, each of these men felt weak…tired…ready to die!
I felt the tears stream down my cheeks as I realized I was not alone. My team has seen God move tremendously the last few months, but I didn't feel victorious at all. I felt weak and inadequate. But I was gently reminded that God wasn't going to point out all my faults and the ways I've blown it so far this year. He's like an encouraging coach wanting me to get some rest before I go back in the game. This retreat was like the break before overtime, and God was calling me to come be refreshed.
I felt a sense of relief just to rest and let God minister to me this week. He refreshed my spirit and drew me closer to Himself. He healed my body from the sickness I'd been battling the previous weeks. He brought me a new sense of joy and peace. It was a pretty amazing week!
And now, I feel ready for overtime! Rested and refueled, I'm ready to give it my all for the last few months, and see an incredible victory!
P.S. Right now, I am surrounded by over 40 fellow workers packed in a friend's apartment celebrating our own Superbowl party! It required waking up at 5:45 am to travel here in time to catch the game via satellite. We are eating waffles since the pizza shops are closed, but one of the guys still cooked wings! =) C’mon Giants!